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Explore your luminous inner world, understand your unconscious self, and learn about Jungian psychology and dream interpretation with the beautifully crafted Dreaming Oracle deck. This 60-card deck and 170-page book were produced during the pandemic with a unique four-year collaborative process: Writer Melissa Grace Chianta and artist Cara Roxanne, who have a combined 40 years of experience in Jungian analysis, used their own potent dreams and waking life experiences to inform the card meanings. The result is a powerful, lyrical deck steeped in archetypal energies. Unlike most decks that do not include the artist’s writing, the Dreaming Oracle offers Cara’s evocative poetry and interpretations of her whimsically deep watercolour paintings. Through prose, poetry, and art, the Dreaming Oracle will connect you to the wisdom living within your own psyche and to the eternal nature of your divine Self.

The Dreaming Oracle Deck

Expected to ship at the end of May
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©The Dreaming Oracle 2024
Cara Roxanne & Melissa Grace

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